Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Pomegranate Citrus Smoothie

Who says you can't make smoothies when temps drops below 65 degrees? Not us. In fact, making a morning smoothie in the winter is a fast way to get in a ton of vitamins and minerals that will help keep your immune system strong as you steer through cold and flu season. Try one of these smoothie recipes that use the best of winter's superfoods—and squirrel away those sicks days for when you really need them, like when you want an extra day at the ski resort.

Pomegranate not only keeps your heart healthy, a glass of it has more antioxidants in it than red wine (sad, but true). Keep your defenses at the ready this winter with this smoothie that helps protect against diseases like cancer and Alzheimer's.

Get the recipe: Pomegranate Citrus Smoothie


  • 1 orange, peeled
  • 1/2 cup pomengranite arils
  • 1 banana
  • 1/4 cup greek yogurt
  • 1-2 tbs honey
  • 4-6 oz milk or almond milk
  • 1/2 cup crushed iced

Place everything in a powerful blender, like blendtec, and blend until smooth!

add more or less honey and ice to get the desired sweetness and consistency.